Equality, Integration and Social Inclusion

Arts and Cultural Diversity Initiatives

Local authorities may run national day celebrations and arts activities with new communities to promote and celebrate cultural diversity and integration through the arts.

Arts and Disability Initiatives

Local authorities may run initiatives for people with disabilities to help them access and take part in the arts as artists, arts workers and audience members.

Arts and Equality Initiatives

Local authorities may run initiatives to promote equality, diversity and inclusion through the arts and help people to access, engage and take part in the arts.

Disability Access and Equality Initiatives

Local authorities run initiatives to provide accessible services for people with disabilities. These services include accessible parking, disability friendly sports facilities, accessible bring banks and recycling units, and assistive technology.

Disability Access and Equality Support

Local authorities support people with disabilities to access services more easily by providing ramps, sign interpreters, audio loops and information in accessible digital and print formats.

Integration and Inclusion Initiatives

Local authorities may develop and support initiatives to promote integration, social inclusion and equality such as National Day celebrations, Traveller and Roma Pride Week, Community Pride initiatives and Social Inclusion Week.

Interagency Refugee Resettlement Programme

Local authorities, together with other agencies, may facilitate the integration and resettlement of refugees in the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) programme. They do this by coordinating services such as medical care, childcare, education, social and community supports, and links to An Garda Síochána (national police) and community safety supports.

Migrant Integration Forum Support

Local authorities may set up and support forums (groups) to work with and give a voice to migrant communities working towards achieving social inclusion, integration and participation in the local authority's decision making process.

School Meals Scheme

Local authorities, together with the government, may provide financial support to primary schools in disadvantaged areas to give school children a regular meal during the school day.

Traveller Interagency Group Support

Local authorities, together with other agencies, support interagency groups to coordinate and improve the delivery of services to members of the traveller community.

Traveller Needs Assessment

Local authorities, together with Traveller Interagency Groups, may analyse traveller needs to help plan the development of education and training, health, sports and recreation, and public safety services.