Strategic Policy Committee Scheme

Local authorities publish schemes to describe how they set up and manage strategic policy committees.

Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs) are local authority committees in city and county councils whose membership includes elected councillors, representatives of business, farming interests, environmental/conservation groups, trade unions and community and voluntary members.

It is the task of the Strategic Policy Committees (SPCs), as committees of the Council, to advise and assist the Council in the formulation, development and review of policy.
The remit of the SPCs is to deal only with policy matters and as such they are strategic in nature. They have no remit in relation to routine operational matters regarding the delivery of services.

The SPC system is intended to give Councillors and relevant Sectoral Interests an opportunity for full involvement in the policy making process from the early stages.

There are currently 4 Strategic Policy Committee’s in Carlow namely:

  • Planning, Environment, Climate Action, Energy and Agriculture Strategic Policy Committee
  • Transportation and Infrastructure Strategic Policy Committee
  • Housing, Community and Wellbeing Strategic Policy Committee
  • Culture, Libraries and Digital Development, Tourism, Enterprise and Economic Development Strategic Policy Committee

Planning, Environment, Climate & Bio-Diversity Action, Energy & Agriculture SPC

Michael Rainey, Director of Services
Cllr. Kinsella Thomas (Chair) Elected Member
Cllr. Browne Fergal Elected Member
Cllr. Murphy Charlie Elected Member
Cllr. O’Donoghue Brian Elected Member
Cllr. Paton William Elected Member
Cllr. Phelan Fintan Elected Member
Cllr. Wallace Adrienne Elected Member
Brian O’Farrell Development/Construction Chamber Irl
Matthew English Hayden Environment/Conservation PPN
Liam O’Brien Community/Voluntary PPN
George Collier Agriculture/Farming IFA
Liam Kelly Environment/Conservation PPN

Transportation and Infrastructural SPC

Padraig O’Gorman, Director of Services
Cllr. Gladney Andy ( Chair )                    Elected Member    
Cllr. Doran Michael Elected Member
Cllr. McDonald John Elected Member
Cllr. Murnane Ken Elected Member
Cllr. O’Donoghue Brian Elected Member
Cllr. Quinn William Elected Member
Rowena Dooley                                                             Development/Construction Chamber Irl                                 
John Brophy Business/Commercial Chamber Irl
Jackie Meally Community/Voluntary PPN
Vacant Community/Voluntary PPN
John Tully Environment/Conservation PPN

Housing, Community and Wellbeing SPC

Michael Brennan, Director of Services
Cllr. McDonald Arthur(Chair)                               Elected Member
Cllr. Cassin John Elected Member
Cllr. Dalton Andrea Elected Member
Cllr. Gladney Andy Elected Member
Cllr. Murnane Ken Elected Member
Cllr. O’Neill Tom Elected Member
Cllr. Quinn Willie Elected Member
Joe Butler Community/Voluntary PPN
Vacant Community/Voluntary PPN
Claire Howlin Social Inclusion PPN
Eileen Brophy Development/Construction Chamber Irl                                 
John McHugh Environmental/Conservation PPN

Culture, Libraries & Digital Development, Tourism, Enterprise and Economic Development SPC

Pat Delaney, Head of Finance
Cllr. Murphy John (Chair) Elected Member
Cllr. Dalton Andrea Elected Member
Cllr. Doran Michael Elected Member
Cllr. McDonald John Elected Member
Cllr. O’Neill Tom Elected Member
Cllr. Pender John Elected Member
Brian O’Farrell Business/Commercial Chamb Irl
Eileen O’Rourke Community/Voluntary PPN
Vacant Community/Voluntary PPN
Jolly O’Rock Health (Social Inclusion)
Vacant Trade Union FORSA