Severe Weather

Flood Barrier Grant Scheme

Local authorities may provide financial support to property owners to install flood barriers to help protect their property from flooding.

Flood Defence Maintenance

Local authorities may maintain and repair flood barriers, drains, culverts and embankments in designated drainage districts.

Flood Relief Schemes

Local authorities, together with the Office of Public Works, may undertake flood prevention works such as construction of embankments and flood barriers, monitoring of water levels, and repairs and replacement of culverts and bridges.

Road Condition Monitoring

Local authorities monitor road conditions during severe weather to see if roads need sanding, gritting or removal of debris.


Local authorities may provide sandbags or gel bags to the public if there is a risk of flooding during severe weather.

Severe Weather Emergency Response

Local authorities, together with other public agencies, respond to severe weather threats such as storms, floods and heavy snowfall. Responses may include providing weather updates, carrying out flood relief measures, evacuating residents and animals from affected areas, and clearing of snow and ice from major routes.