Tree and Hedge Cutting Enforcement

Local authorities may require landowners to cut trees, shrubs, hedges and other vegetation on their lands that interferes with the safe use of a public road or footpath. Local authorities may take action against landowners.

The Maintenance of Hedges

During Winter storms, a large number of trees and branches fall on public roads. Owners and occupiers of land adjoining roads are requested to inspect trees and hedges on their property and ensure that they do not pose a danger to road users.

Owners or occupiers of land are obliged under the Roads Act, 1993, to take all necessary care to ensure that trees, shrubs, hedges or any other vegetation on their land is not or could not be a danger to those using a public road or to somebody carrying out maintenance or improvement work on the road. The owner/occupier is obliged to comply with the Health & Safety Act 2005 regarding his employees and the safety of the general public. Adequate signage must be provided if working on the public roadway.

Where a landowner/occupier fails to meet his/her obligation under the Roads Act, 1993, a Notice will be served by Carlow County Council requiring him/her to take whatever remedial action is considered necessary to ensure public safety.

Remedial action may range from felling to trimming, lopping of branches or preservation. It is an offence not to comply with the terms of such a Notice. If you have not already done so, it is in your own interest and the safety of others to attend to hedge trimming on public roads prior to 28th February each year. All landowners and occupiers of land are requested to take note that Section 46 of the Wildlife (Amendment) Act 2000 prohibits the cutting, burning or destruction of any vegetation growing on uncultivated land or in a hedge or ditch during the period 1st March to 31st August each year.

This is to ensure the safety of birds and other wildlife. Your co-operation is requested in ensuring compliance with these provisions.

Japanese Knotweed

As an invasive species Japanese Knotweed is a major threat to the bio-diversity of our county’s hedgerows. It is a plant that spreads very easily and is very difficult to control.