Abandoned Vehicles Removal

Local authorities may request the registered owner of an abandoned vehicle parked in a public place to remove it.

If you have a complaint in relation to an abandoned vehicle, please contact the environment section on 059 913 6231 or by email environment@carlowcoco.ie

What is Considered an Abandoned Vehicle?

Complaints relating to abandoned vehicles usually comprise the following:

  • Vehicles parked for a long period of time without being used or taxed
  • Vehicles being dumped 'overnight' in housing/industrial estates or untaxed
  • Vehicles which are burned out, and
  • Vehicles which are categorised as stolen vehicles and in bad condition or untaxed

How does the Council deal with Abandoned Vehicles?

When the Environment Section receive a complaint about an abandoned vehicle we first must determine if the vehicle has been abandoned.

To determine if a vehicle has been abandoned one or more of the following factors will be taken into consideration:

  1. Is the vehicle untaxed and have no evident details of being on the motor tax register?
  2. Is the vehicle stationary for a significant period of time?
  3. Is the Vehicle a hazard?
  4. Is the vehicle significantly damaged, poor state of repair or unroadworthy (flat tyres wheels removed, broken windows etc)?
  5. Is the vehicle burned out?
  6. The vehicle is missing registration plates?

Please note that some complaints in relation to abandoned vehicles are only traffic issues and you should refer these issues directly to the Gardai. Vehicles that are considered a nuisance are outline below and are not considered to be abandoned cars.

  • Vehicles that are Poorly Parked or cause an obstruction.
  • Vehicles involved in residential parking disputes.
  • Broken down vehicles.
  • Non-registration of a vehicle at the time of sale is an offence and matter for the Gardai.

If a car is deemed to be abandoned, A sticker will be placed onto the vehicle at the time of inspection. We will check the ownership of the vehicle through the Motor Tax Office and issue a letter requesting the removal of the vehicle. Offenders will have 7 days from the date the letter is issued to remove the vehicle.

If there is a genuine reason the vehicle can not be removed by you, please contact the environment section using the contact details on your letter or by calling 059 913 6231 or by email environment@carlowcoco.ie.

If your reason is deemed satisfactory you may be given more time to move the vehicle at the discretion of the Environmental Patrol Officer.

If you do not provide an acceptable reason or do not remove the vehicle in the allotted time your vehicle will be removed by an agent appointed by Carlow County Council. The cost of removal and storage of the vehicle will be recovered from the owner of the vehicle.